Global Leadership Program

The Global Leadership Program is intended for students who have a strong interest in international and global issues. Participants will learn what it means to be a global citizen and how they can get engaged no matter where they are. This program will encourage students to think about their understanding of leadership, and will challenge students to become more globally-minded citizens and leaders by volunteering with globally or culturally-focused service agencies, discussing global issues, and learning to appreciate and understand other cultures.

Student Well-Being #1 Purpose

Course Outcomes

Students who complete this program will be able to:

  • Identify personal areas of growth related to their global citizenship
  • Discuss international and global issues and how to make an impact
  • Understand the components of culture and its effects on individuals
  • Express their personal values, passions, and individual style of leadership
  • Engage in difficult conversations and respect diverse perspectives
  • Discuss various leadership concepts and their application to global leadership

Program Requirements

  • Apply to the U-LEAD program at
  • Enroll in LDR Course:
    • LDR 2262 Focused Community Service (1 credit hr., online)
      • 20 Hours of Service
      • Online Readings and Discussion Boards
      • LDR 3905 Directed independent study (0 to 1 credit hr., online or face to face)
        • 15 Hours of service
        • Biweekly seminars
        • Social Change Research Project
        • U-LEAD Poster Showcase
    • Attend 2 Impact events
    • Attendance at program-specific events
    • Minimum 3.0 GPA to apply and remain in the program.

Click here to Apply

For additional information please email us at:

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